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SÆXIA - Inclusive and Welcoming!

Above: Wareham Saxon Festival 2022

For the most part SÆXIA attempts to portray well equipped Fyrdsmen and other characters from the Early Medieval/Dark Ages period. We respect the work of archeologists and historians who study grave finds and ancient manuscripts in order to help build an authentic Living History impression of the world our forebears lived in. 

 That said, there is a growing trend amongst some reenactment groups to place the ideal of total authenticity over the value of the groups individual members and their wellbeing. An increasing number of reenactors have started to leave this hobby, for it remains that much in the reenactment world is from the voluntary contributions of time, effort, expense and manpower with only a small percentage of remuneration. It is common to all that when our energies are set on "generously give", and then that same venture or group we are building up then mistreats us, it doesn't take much to then feel we must throw in the towel and go find other activities that are more rewarding.

 In summary, individuals who enjoy the pursuit of historical reenactment, and who step up to join and support reenactment societies and events, should be welcomed and valued for the uncommon and precious contribution they bring. It is not everyday that people turn up who have the motivation and drive to, at their own expense, build up their own kit and give of their free time to make things happen.

 At SÆXIA we ensure the individual member comes first, authenticity can be developed and worked on second. Our standards remain high when certain events/educational services demand, however this is managed by the Witan and new members need not be concerned about obtaining a full set of fully authentic kit upon first joining.


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